Craving ‘difficult’ people to fill the abyss of feeling substandard…

This forms a part of the destructive cycle of Coercive Control – and is, unfortunately, both wide-spread and difficult to avoid/get away from.

Much of human craving – be it for people or for substances – revolves around a central premise: that we are substandard, and we therefore search desperately for something, or someone, that will make us oblivious to such a feeling, albeit temporarily.

There is, without a doubt, something exciting, thrilling, addictive, about danger – something illicit and, dare I say it, sexually arousing about travelling in a speeding car, dallying with a bad boy or girl, watching a horror movie late at night.

Somehow, rebels (with or without a cause) seem more alive, more enticing, more likely to shock the parents than the nice boy/girl-next-door – or, as we get older, the sensible and hardworking person earning good money in a steady job.

There is a frisson (which we do not want to admit to even in the safety of our own minds) about those who treat us with disdain; those who play hard to get; those who neglect, and play games with, us. Quite why we see them as a worthier prize than those who are kind, sensitive and accommodating, I am not sure – but, in the annals (both literary and real life) of our species, erotic preference for the dark, the forbidden, the edgy wins out more often than not.

The problem here is twofold: Firstly, these people are NOT good for us; they inflict damage both physical and emotional; secondly, the inability to gain true love and satisfaction from them causes too many of us to chase that elusive grail from an endless line of similar types!

We come to crave that whisper of naughty nastiness; we come to see their abusive side as somehow Gothic, almost romantic, something that puts us on our mettle and purifies us with its exquisite pain; we delude ourselves that we become better people, that our souls are needfully seared, through our endless search for tainted love and selfish friendship.

Most concerning, and saddest of all, we come to see simple and loving hands held out to us as boring, shallow, unsexy and not worth bothering with.

A worrying side-effect is this: our emotional wasteland, and our inner uncertainty – that distinctive odour of one who is under coercive control – attracts bottomless pits of selfishness who are used to hoovering up any stray uncertainty and using it to their own, often nefarious, ends.

That is to say, many already under the thumb of one controlling individual will find that several other friendships in their lives conform to the same basic pattern – and this gruesome cycle will go on until the coerced person is able to see the pattern of attraction, of craving, and to question it.

The coerced become so inured to obedience that they do not always notice when new entrants into their lives expect, even demand, it. They expect unequal bonds, and can actually feel very uneasy, almost unworthy, when faced with true equality. Even when their chains have gone, they still have a tendency to huddle in the corner of non-existent cells and enchain themselves by forming new toxic bonds with ‘difficult’ people.

Our bodies respond very strongly to arousal – and do not differentiate between positive and negative aspects of it in the chemical sense. It becomes an addiction for us, a roller-coaster of terror followed by delight followed by more terror. We know, at some level, that these people we crave cause – or at least contribute to – panic attacks and terrible insecurity; but, oh my God, when we are on the upswing of their attention and ‘love’, how great and amazing and stimulating is that, eh?!

These people have a glamour about them. They seem so much more vivid, alive, inspiring than anyone else. But it is a law of diminishing returns, very like that seen in drug-taking: we need more and more to achieve that all-important high, and the exultant moments on the roller-coaster are ever-fewer and ever-further-apart.

Giving them up is a form of cold turkey. It hurts, horribly. We feel empty, achy, shaky, sick with fear. It can be a long-drawn-out process and, like quitting cigarettes or booze or heroin, we may fail a few times before we, finally, give up the habit for good. We may have occasional set-backs – an illicit and guilty liaison with our drug of choice – but, with time, it will get easier.

I have got to believe this because I am very much at the beginning of this excruciating journey and have many, many miles to travel before I can claim I am anywhere near quitting for good.

My friend choices have been significantly different in Glastonbury, however, in that I am no longer looking for that adrenaline hit and am more concerned with a mutual bond of kindness, shared interests and honesty.

But I know I am still vulnerable, still prey to the craving.


Foliate Man: The Shining/Bright One

In the final ‘Foliate Man‘ ritual, just under two weeks ago, I metamorphosed from the Veiled One to The Bright One.

This created a shudder of expectation through my mind – and, as it turned out, a misunderstanding of the nature of brightness. I felt I should be chirpy and cheerful, smiling and energetic, laughter-filled and beautiful, positive and full of life. Anything less than this felt like failure, felt as if I had been wrongly cast, was letting the side down in some way.

I have tried to be all those things in the weary days since I returned from the Nightingale Centre. I have tried my hardest to banish woe, to let my face light up with joy whenever possible, to be a beacon of bright.

And I have battened down the hatches upon the roiling storm of emotional truth which lay beneath the bright mask: The dark side, if you will, The Shadow One.

But cramming emotion down exacts a price. Trying to be the perfect Flower Fairy sets up a dangerous space for weeds to enter the garden and try to take over. Unable to express the rage and fear, the deep sadness and sense of betrayal, my physical being has turned upon itself, sending out violent shock-waves of agonising pain.

I am very sad and hurt at present. The struggle to be chirpy and cheerful is more than I can cope with most of the time. Therefore, I have to trust that those who love me will not ditch me because, today, I am crying more than I am smiling; because my sense of brightness is dimmed; because I am exhausted, scared and debilitated; because I have been battered emotionally for so long that I struggle to see myself as a worthwhile human being, someone who deserves love, gentleness, kindness, respect.

These thoughts whirring round in my mind like crazed caged hummingbirds have made me feel that I have ceased to be the person who was crowned with flowers and married, ritually, amidst such loveliness; that I have been sacrificed upon the altar of another’s ego and rapacious appetite; that bright has turned to dull, dusty, doomed.

I cannot begin to describe the screeching and wailing of muscles and sinews last night and this morning: An orchestral crescendo of such anguish that, several times, I feared I would cease to be human, alive, at all.

And yet, just as all seemed lost, two communications reminded me that I had been given the joyous part of the Bright One – and that this mystic conferral of ancient Light upon me went deeper, and was less obvious, than our superficial understanding might suggest.

A friend, in a lovely comforting ‘letter’, referred to me as ‘Shining One’ – at a time when doubt had clouded the whole picture. Then, this morning, one of my best friends, in a text, made reference to the pleasure of seeing, ‘…your beaming face…’

I looked up ‘beaming’ because the choice of word seemed significant (this friend is very much attuned to me, and has a kind of psychic connection). To my delight, the definitions included ‘Bright’ and ‘Radiant’…

The truth of the matter is this: Yesterday evening, when my face beamed, I was in great pain (of body and spirit) – and yet, miraculously, something of brightness, of radiance, came through, and was picked up by the sensitive and the aware.

This is hugely comforting – and profoundly confounding, because it turns my self-image on its head, and hints at the true nature of The Bright One. It does not lie in me being cheery and full of wit; it does not demand physical beauty or constant laughter; it does not stipulate a broad smile, twinkling eyes, an even temperament or a lantern so bright that it blinds all who come close.

No. I do not have to be perfect, or happy, or beautiful, or hilarious in order to be The Bright One. That brightness is a quality of my spirit and exists independently of my particular mood, life experience, pattern of mind. It is an integral part of who I am – and does not have to prove itself in overt displays of colourful whirling feathers.

I do not have to slay dragons, or be stunningly gorgeous, or sweet-natured, in order to deserve that inner brightness. It does not have to be earned through the hard work of constant happiness, nor am I going to have it taken away from me if I weep and give way to despair from time to time.

I am The Bright One because I am ME, and not because I am a paragon of all the feminine virtues.

Those who cannot see it probably never will – and those who can radiate a brightness of their own, like calling to like.


In sacrificing my own preconceptions, and prejudices, about the real nature of The Bright One, I have opened the space for renewal and healing and the true cosmic balance between Light and Dark, Brightness and Shadow.

There was no failure  – unless being fully human is deemed as such.

Closet: Close-t…


We keep things in closets, don’t we? Literally – clothing and other possessions – and metaphorically too. Secrets and withholds get locked in our psychological closet: Sexuality (hence the expression ‘coming out of the closet’ when one admits to being gay), lies and evasions, financial mismanagement, affairs – the list is endless, the average closet more capacious than we, perhaps, realise.

But why do we strive so hard to keep things contained, tidy, hidden, hung up, out of sight? What does it matter, given the brevity of life, if we wear our erotic hearts on our sleeves, and admit to fancying and loving and wanting to be with members of our own sex? What good does denial do to anyone?

And yet, for all too many of us, this obsessive cramming of difficult areas into cupboards and closets continues unabated. We even get keys cut, and purchase padlocks, so that no one else can see the baggage within.

But hiding things we do not want to face in a box does not actually diminish their power to frighten and disturb. On the contrary, anything pushed into the darkness of a hidey-hole and then locked away increases its hold over the hider exponentially – and a tiny white lie can, over time, expand first to fit the space in which it is immured and then, eventually, to burst its boundaries and spurt, spill, spoil all over the house.

There is a saying that your sins will find you out – and I think this is very true. From the apparently trivial (the woman who, terrified by her own spending habit, hides clothes, shoes, handbags and coats in a closet so that her husband doesn’t find out) to the most extreme (the murderer who bags up the bodies of his/her victims and leaves them to rot in the attic wardrobe), nature will, ultimately, give the game away – and the resulting fall-out is likely to be far worse than an immediate admission of wrong-doing would have been.

We hide things because we are frightened. We hide things because we want to manipulate the way others see us. We fill closets because we still seem to believe that out of sight really is out of mind – and that, if we can’t see it, no one else will be able to!

We delude ourselves, massively and damagingly.

Closets are useful, practical, space-saving. But we need to run them, and not the other way around!

And, if we keep too much in them, they will burst!